The 20th Ismea – Qualivita Report was presented in Rome in the presence of Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, who recently took office. This detailed analysis of the situation of Italian PDO/PGIs reveals the great strength of these supply chains, which cannot be delocalized – 85,601 operators, 167 authorized Consortia and 43 control bodies. After the outburst of pandemics in 2020, the PDO and PGI food and wine sectors experience a growth of 16.1% in 2021, with a production value of 19.1 billion euros, thanks to 845 products (319 food, 526 wine). This growth brings the sector’s weight in the overall turnover of the national food industry to 21%. Riviera Ligure DOP oil ranks 5th among the 49 Italian DOP and IGP oils, after Toscano IGP, Terra di Bari DOP, Val di Mazara DOP and Sicilia IGP. This oil features a certified production of 507 tonnes, a production value of 6.1 million euros and a consumption value of 9.4 million euros. Italian PDO and PGI extra virgin olive oils show a certified production of 13,000 tonnes, a production value of 91 million euros and a 155 million euro consumption value.
“Firstly, I would like to thank our olive growers, millers and packers – who through their work spread the “Liguria value” throughout markets – and secondly, restaurateurs and traders” – says the President of the Riviera Ligure DOP Protection Consortium, Carlo Siffredi – “We would also like to thank the Qualivita Foundation, Ismea and the Ministry of Agriculture for their important support in the valorisation and defense of these products, the collective heritage of the territories, an all-Italian biodiversity treasure, with a strong socio-economic impact.